THE LIBRETTO - from Songs for Truth and Social Harmony


We are living in an operetta; These are three YouTube videos - or “Scenes” inspired by a deep search for the right words.

Scene 1: Big Time Loser Blues written December 12, 2020, is a response for those who say they don’t accept the results of the election. And so I try to grab my dear friends before they jump into the abyss of someone else’s alternative reality.”

Scene 2: Better Angels Prayer, written January 22, 2021, offers a group hug and good will to all, and prays that - at least - we all walk together on the path for Truth. The question was; "So what do we say to our friends who have already put their toe into the abyss of someone else’s alternative reality especially when it's dangerous to themselves and others? What do we say to stop them from drinking the Kool-Aid?” The answer after years of contemplation; "I don't know but I'm writing songs about it."

Scene 3: Like a Cool Fragrant Breeze, written February 24, 2021. This song is a public service announcement promoting truth and offering it up as the ultimate path for unity, goodness, morality.

Like a cool fragrant breeze - on a hot summer day
It will come from heaven - and sweep your blues away
It will set you free - from the darkness of night
because the truth-is-so-sweet – it’s filled with joy, and it’s made of light.
So don’t cha shy away from the truth cause it’s your friend.
Without it there is no love, no God, no good around the bend.
So put your faith in truth right now - there is nothing else,
that can offer up such miracles, and protect you from yourself.

The cleverness of ignorance, the conspiracy of doubt will grab you by your kind soul, and turn you inside out.

So don’t cha shy away from the truth cause it’s your friend.
Without it there is no love, no God, no good around the bend
So put your faith in truth right now - there is nothing else,
that can offer up such miracles, and protect you from yourself.
Like a cool fragrant breeze - on a hot summer day
It will come from heaven - and sweep your blues away

By Holly and Corky Siegel © 2/4/2021