Dear Cousins,
Though I myself am not in need of funds … yet, LOL!. I have been able to produce big projects due to the love of our fans and the music community. The gifted funds have covered the creation and distribution of 4 major album projects so far. 1) Chamber Blues Different Voices, 2) Chamber Blues More Different Voices, 3) Songs for Truth and Harmony, and 4) the magnum opus, Symphonic Blues No. 6, that is being manufactured as we speak. We list the names of contributors ($25 or more) along with artists and producers in the on-line credits and on the packages. And that is a complete honor. I say; “We” and not “I” because these are community productions that I could not have funded myself. And “we” will always have more to do.
I’m also working on the album of works that I love but have never been released called; “Favorite Songs from the Cutting Room Floor.” This includes songs recorded in 1975, some songs recorded later, songs that were favorites like Linoleum, Skyscrapers, My Mind Has A Mind Of It’s Own, and new songs like Queen Ida.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Cousin Corky
P.S. What now? Contributions did not cover graphic design or promotional costs, which were more than $2,000. And I would like to pay some bonuses to the other artists and producers. So I’m still accepting contributions for Symphonic Blues Nº6. Names won’t be included in this pressing or 100 CDS but will be included on the next pressing.